tony robbins unleash the power within reviewI recently got back from the Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within seminar in New Jersey, and it was INCREDIBLE. It was my 4th time attending Unleash The Power Within and every time I've attended the event, my life has gone to another level.

This seminar is a 4 day seminar with Tony Robbins where you learn:

  • How to live your best life
  • Improve your relationships
  • Understand how to meet your destiny
  • Break through any emotional blocks you may have
  • Become empowered with every area of your life

During the 4-day total immersion seminar, I recorded a lot of video and filled a notebook full of notes. I wanted to create a detailed Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within Review to share all of the powerful lessons from the event, along with the magic moments of the experience.

Before I get into the content and some of the specific lessons that I learned, I want to share with you a video that I created as an Unleash The Power Within Preview.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch the video on YouTube)

==> Click here for discounted tickets to Unleash The Power Within <==

FULL DISCLOSURE: I was actually contacted by the Tony Robbins team to partner with them in their affiliate program, as well as to offer my subscribers a $20 off site-wide coupon.  So if you want to purchase any Tony Robbins programs or products, CLICK HERE and use the coupon code MASTERY on checkout to save $20.  Please note that I am now an “affiliate” for Tony Robbins and benefit financially if you decide to purchase through my link.

In the Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within Review, I will be making a blog post on each of the 4 days of the seminar. It turned out that I have so much video footage and information to share, that to put it on a single blog post would be MASSIVE. This Day 1 of Unleash The Power Within blog post is already going to be big enough as it is.

Day 1 of Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within Review – Turn Fear Into Power

Before Day 1 Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within Review, Before the event, I set intentions about  what my outcome is for the event and my experience of how Tony Robbins has already changed my life for the better.

I arrived at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in New Jersey on Thursday morning, and the moment you walk in you start to feel the incredible energy and enthusiasm. You're there in a massive room filled with over 5,000 other eager participants, ready to take your life to the next level.

At the start of each day, there are “Warm-up Dancers” that get up on stage to hype the crowd up. They basically get you warmed up, engaging your physiology, dancing and having a great time to the music that they're playing. Energy is an important part of the Unleash The Power Within experience, as you want to make sure you're in a peak state and fully absorbing all of the information going on during the event.

This is NOT like your “typical” seminar. The use of music, lightning, and energy gets the 5,000 participants fired up and ready to play full out. The energy piece is huge, because the information you consume gets ASSOCIATED to the emotional state that you're in. So if you learn something amazing and you're in a passive state, then that gets linked to it, and you're not likely to apply it. Whereas if you learn something amazing and you're in a state of ACTION, then you're more likely to apply what you've learned.

When Tony Robbins came out on stage, the energy was electrifying. Everyone was pumped up, jumping up and down, cheering. “Tonight's gonna be a good night!” were the lyrics that were being played while Tony ran onto stage, and everyone was ready to rock. I wish everyone could have experienced this with me, rather than look at the Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within review.

One of the first things that Tony talked about is that nobody is ever “broken”. He says that we all have specific patterns or conditioning that we run again and again, and that these patterns are NOT who we really are. For example, feeling depressed is not who you are, it's just a pattern that you run again and again. Frustration is a pattern. Anger is a pattern. And guess what? So is happiness, excitement, passion, and confidence. Smoking is a pattern, over-eating is a pattern, drinking, etc… the important thing that he says is that it is NOT who we are, and that we can change these patterns in minutes.

It's hard to change yourself. But it's easy to change a pattern.

Another powerful moment that I enjoyed and want to share with this Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within review was when Tony talks about how we are good at what we're obsessed about. We have all specific areas of our lives that we're good at, because we've put focus into it. If you put focus into eating, you become good at it. If you put focus into being depressed, you become good at it. In the same way, there are other amazing areas we're good at as well – such as finances, health, fitness, our careers, relationships, etc…

He makes a good point, which is that we're all superior to one another at SOMETHING.

Failure and devastation are some of the most important things that can happen to us, because they are either going to break you or create drive.

When people succeed, they party. When they fail, they ponder. And rarely at a party do you change your life. But when you ponder, you're going to take your life to another level.

One of the big lessons that Tony talked about is how the REASON why we do anything is not what we originally think. For example, people asked the participants in the audience “Why did you come here?” and most people had answers such as, “To make more money” or “To be more confident” or “To achieve XYZ result in my life”.

The reality is, we're not after what we think – what we're REALLY after is a certain FEELING.

Tony Robbins describes this as our own personal “blueprint”. For example, what you REALLY may be after is a feeling of “happiness”, but you have conditioned yourself to believe that in order to feel happy, you must achieve XYZ result. These are our RULES, which are basically belief systems that we have set up.

The truth is, we can have those feelings RIGHT NOW. We don't have to wait.

Everyone has a story of what we are after and all the things we think have to happen to get there. But the truth is, YOU are the one that is going to make yourself feel the way you want when you get there.

This is such a powerful part of the event, and worth sharing with the Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within Review as most of us have a blueprint that is set up to make us miserable. If your blueprint is to feel happy and you have a ton of rules in order to feel happy, then you're limiting yourself and not allowing yourself to experience what you're after most in life.

You can either CHANGE your rules about how to get what you're after and feel it now, or change your blueprint.

Tony Robbins ended up doing an intervention with a girl at the seminar who had a blueprint to feel happy, but had a ton of rules such as “I need to control everything” and “Everything has to be fair”, which was basically making her miserable as those rules weren't achievable.

One of the things that this discussion led to was being aligned with our true nature of either masculine or feminine. Turns out, this woman had become masculine as she was trying to control everything and wasn't allowing her feminine spirit to be unleashed. Whenever we get away from our true nature, we're going to be unhappy no matter what. This is great advice that I wanted to share as a value add with this Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within review.

The discussions about masculine and feminine were some of the most powerful segments of Day 1 of Unleash The Power Within – I received a lot of value from it, especially with aligning myself with my masculine core as a man.

At the end of this video, this led to Tony Robbins talking about the two master areas of life:

1) The Science of Achievement

Any result you want to achieve in your life, there is a science to it. This was an “ah-ha” moment that I would like to share with the Tony Robbins Unleash the Power within review. Meaning, there are specific steps or strategies that will get you almost any result you're after. If you want to make a certain amount of money, there are steps to do that. If you want to lose weight, there is a science to that as well.

2) The Art of Fulfillment

While most of us are focused on how to achieve more, we often forget about the area of life that is more important: the Art of Fulfillment. Being fulfilled is an ART, as what makes you fulfilled is different than for someone else. Most people think that once they achieve XYZ, then they will be happy. In fact, if you focus on being fulfilled first, you will achieve your results much easier and more efficiently.

Being aligned with your nature of masculine or feminine is a key component of being fulfilled.

Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within Review and the Masculine and Feminine

One of my favorite parts of Day 1 of Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within review is with the video above, where Tony Robbins got all the men in the room into a state of masculine power. He talks about what masculine energy is and helped the men engage that part of themselves.

The energy was so powerful – I felt completely in my masculine presence. It was powerful to hear the response from the women in the audience, many of them shared how they felt “safe” and “protected” by us being in that masculine state.

A man who hasn't found something he's willing to die for isn't fit to live.
Martin Luther King 

Tony talks about how masculinity for a man is a feeling FREEDOM – it's that feeling when you conquer something and feel totally free. He also talks about how men need to have a clear purpose, something that is more than yourself, and something that you're willing to die for.

Not only that, but POLARITY is so important while in a relationship. There always must be a masculine and feminine force in order for there to be attraction and passion. Tony talks about how most men are feminine today, whereas most women are becoming more masculine. This is taking away from our nature, thus making us unfulfilled.

One of the biggest things I got from Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within review, and part of the reason why I went back for my 4th time, is the concept of your EMOTIONAL STATE.

Tony Robbins talks about how our EMOTIONS are what control and determine the quality of our lives.

Moment to moment, there are three things that control our emotional state. Tony Robbins calls this the “Emotional Triad”.

1) A Pattern of Physiology

How you use your physical body, such as breath, posture, movement.

2) A Pattern of Focus

Whatever you focus on, you will feel.

3) A Pattern of Language/Meaning

As soon as we put words to an experience, it changes the meaning we experience.

State is the most important skill that we can ever learn in life, which is the ability to change how we feel.  In the above video, Tony takes you through a process of asking specific questions to change your focus, thus changing your state.

The highlight of Day 1 to share with the Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within review is the “Firewalk Experience“, which almost everyone at the event participates in. It's basically walking across a bed of burning hot coals that are 1200-2000 degrees fahrenheit about 12-feet long.

The Firewalk is a metaphor for overcoming fear in your life, which is the only thing that stops us.

Fear is the only thing that stops us.

While we all experience countless variations of fear, there are two primary fears that all human beings share:

1) We're not enough.

2) We won't be loved.

The only way to conquer fear and get yourself to walk over fire is to get yourself in a state of absolutely CERTAINTY.

We accomplish this state of certainty by changing our emotional triad: our physiology, focus, and language. This was a big focus at the event, which is why Tony Robbins gets us standing up and jumping up and down – this engages your physiology, changing your state.

At the peak of the emotional state we're in, we say “YES!” to build an anchor and associate that state to the gesture of saying “YES!”. This allows us to come back to that state almost anytime we want. This is something everyone should practice, not just read in the Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within review.

The state that we are in controls what we will and will not do. It controls every behaviour we have, even whether or not we take action. If you get yourself in the right state, you can get yourself to do anything.

How you feel, your emotional state, is simply a pattern that you run. You have patterns of emotions that you experience again and again. Whatever you feel most consistently is what you have CONDITIONED, as whatever emotional states you condition most become “home” for you.

If you want to feel more confidence, you have to CONDITION that state daily to put yourself in that state, and eventually it will become automatic. The same goes with feeling passion, excitement, or any other emotion you want to experience.

Again, STATE is by far the most important thing I've learned and am sharing with the Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within review. It's something that has personally changed my life, and something that I continue to condition every day. I put myself in a state of level 10 every single day, and the more I do it, it becomes habitual.

Whenever I notice myself feeling tired, lazy, depressed, angry, frustrated, etc… I immediately interrupt that pattern and put myself in the state that I want to be in. If you do this enough times, you will automatically feel the way you want to be feeling consistently. It won't take any effort.

Tony gives a great metaphor, comparing your STATE to being a muscle. The more you push yourself to be in state, the stronger it gets. The way you grow a muscle is to push yourself beyond what you're used to. When you don't feel like being in that peak state, that is when you need to push yourself to go there. If you can do that, you get all the growth. This is great advice that I am going to start using and is why it was included in the Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within review.

There were so many other powerful lessons from Day 1 I want to share with the Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within review that I haven't gotten into, such as your 6 Human Needs, which are the reasons we do anything. I won't be going into them here, but I can recommend any of Tony Robbins products or seminars if you want to learn more about it.

I arrived back to my hotel around 2:00AM and reflected on the biggest lessons that stood out for me for the day as a part of my Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within review.

That just about sums up the highlights of Day 1. I hope you enjoyed this Unleash The Power Within Review.


tony robbins unleash the power within review

Last week I shared an in-depth review of my experience at Day 1 of Unleash The Power Within, a 4-day Tony Robbins seminar held in New Jersey. It was my 4th time attending, and this time I decided to take many videos and share experience with you on my blog. As you can tell from the videos of Day 1, there was some pretty powerful, life-changing stuff going on there. Click here to check out my Day 1 of Unleash The Power Within Review.

joseph mcclendonIn this blog post, I'm going to share some of the videos and powerful lessons of Day 2 of Unleash The Power Within. During Day 2, Joseph McClendon III was our speaker for most of the day, along with Tony Robbins via video. Unfortunately, Tony Robbins only attends Day 1 and Day 3 of Unleash The Power Within, while Joseph McClendon III runs the show on Day 2 and Day 4. That's okay though, because Joseph is a pretty amazing speaker and is right up there with Tony.

==> Click here for discounted tickets to Unleash The Power Within <==

FULL DISCLOSURE: I was actually contacted by the Tony Robbins team to partner with them in their affiliate program, as well as to offer my subscribers a $20 off site-wide coupon.  So if you want to purchase any Tony Robbins programs or products, CLICK HERE and use the coupon code MASTERY on checkout to save $20.  Please note that I am now an “affiliate” for Tony Robbins and benefit financially if you decide to purchase through my link.

Day 2 of Unleash The Power Within – Turn Dreams Into Reality

Before I get into the content and powerful lessons from Day 2 of Unleash The Power Within, check out the video I recorded the morning of Day 2 – as you can tell, my voice isn't in great shape from the night before. 🙂

Watch the quick 1-minute video below:

(Click here to watch the video on YouTube)

Are you ready to turn what you already know into next level success and impact? CLICK HERE to join Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi’s Knowledge Broker Blueprint!

This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefitted from personally. Thank you for your support!

The energy was high during Day 1 amongst the 5,000+ participants. Everyone was still in a peak state from the night before, especially after walking over fire. When Joseph McClendon III came on stage, one of the first things we learned is something called “The Ultimate Success Formula”.

The Ultimate Success Formula

1) Know Your Outcome

If you want to achieve anything in life, you need to know what the outcome or target is you're after. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to achieve it. Clarity is power.

2) Know Your Reasons Why

Once you know your outcome, you have to have compelling reasons WHY you want it. Reasons come first, answers come second. You have to make whatever it is you're after a MUST, something that you're absolutely committed to achieving. Having compelling reasons why is what provides the fuel and motivation to take action towards what you want.

3) Take Massive Action

Once you know what you want and why you want it, the next step is to take MASSIVE ACTION. Not a little bit of action, but MASSIVE ACTION. You need to create a game plan and execute it.

4) Know What You Are Getting

Once you're taking massive action, you need to pay attention to what you're getting. The key here is to have sensory acuity. Are you making progress towards your outcome? Are you moving closer or further away? Is what you're doing work?

5) Change Your Approach

If what you're doing isn't working, what do you do? Change your approach. If that doesn't work, what do you do? Again, change your approach. The key is to keep changing your approach UNTIL you get what you want. This is what the most successful people do, whether it be Thomas Edison inventing the light-bulb or Colonel Sanders selling his chicken recipe.

One of the next important lessons from the video above of Joseph McClendon III is on the power of reinforcement.

The truth is, we are all WAY TOO HARD ON OURSELVES.

We don't praise ourselves enough and give ourselves credit. The key to conditioning a habit or behaviour is through REINFORCEMENT. The more we reward ourselves for doing the right things, the more likely we are to do them. Simply the act of rewarding yourself, whether it be patting yourself on the back, smiling, or acknowledging yourself in any way – you're giving yourself pleasure and that is being linked to the behaviour.

What gets rewarded, gets repeated.

Joseph talks about how there are two primary ways to condition something, and they are:

1) Repetition

2) Praise

Mother is the repetition of skill. Praise is the father of skill.

One of the most powerful experiences of Day 2 of Unleash The Power Within is when we went through a process called “The Driving Force: The Science of Momentum”.

tony robbins unleash the power within driving force

The above image is a diagram from the Unleash The Power Within workbook. As you can see, there are 5 steps to the power of momentum. I'm going to go into them in-detail below.

Your Driving Force: The Science Of Momentum

STEP 1: Put Yourself in a Peak State

Your emotional state is something I explained during Day 1 of my Unleash The Power Within Review. Before you do anything, you want to make sure you're in a peak state. The reason is, the state that you're in is what will affect what decisions you make and whether or not you will follow through. You want to change your state by first changing your physiology, your focus, and your language patterns.

STEP 2: Find Your Passion!

Next is to uncover your passion and fuel, which is what will create drive. You do that by asking the following questions:

  • What do you love?
  • What do you hate?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What do you really want?
  • What really drives you in life?

All of these questions will elicit what you value most and will unleash your passion.

STEP 3: Decide, Commit & Resolve!

Once you're in a peak state and have unleashed your passion, the next step is to make a DECISION and COMMITMENT.

It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
Tony Robbins 

We did this by asking two primary questions:

1) What are two decisions you made in the past that have positively shaped your life?
How did they change your life for the better? What finally got you to decide?

2) What are two new decisions you are committed to making now, and how will they
powerfully improve your life forever?

This was such a powerful moment for me, as we put ourselves in the state to make a new empowering decision. One of my decisions at the Unleash The Power Within event was to compete in the WBFF Fitness Modelling Competition on June 23, 2012 in Vancouver. And another one was to reach a certain financial objective for 2012.

When you're in a state of absolute CERTAINTY and you make a decision, it becomes a COMMITMENT. All decision making must be done from a peak state, otherwise you're not likely to follow through on it long-term.

STEP 4: Take Immediate, Intelligent, Consistent, & Massive Action!

Once you've made your decision, massive action is necessary. Intelligently employed massive action can be a cure-all.

There are a few key strategies to make sure you're taking effective action, which include:

  • Find a role model or mentor.
  • Get a proven model (or create one).
  • Get a plan.
  • Do something immediately, before leaving the sight of setting your goal or decision.

STEP 5: Be S.M.A.R.T. – Be Honest With Yourself

You want to make sure you're following the S.M.A.R.T. philosophy, which is:

Strengthen it.

Measure more often!

Assess whether it's giving you the emotional reward you want.

Reinforce what works and take new action to continue the momentum.

Take new action!

There were so many other amazing powerful moments during Day 2, unfortunately I won't be able to  share them all in this Unleash The Power Within Review. But I will share by far my favorite moment during Day 2, and that was during an exercise called “Closing The Gap”.

Tony Robbins explained that there are two types of motivation:

1) PUSH Motivation

2) PULL Motivation

tony robbins upw reviewPUSH Motivation is when you're constantly pushing yourself and using your discipline and willpower to achieve your goal. But, willpower and discipline will NEVER last long-term, as you will eventually get burnt out. This is why so many people fail, because they are PUSHING themselves to achieve an outcome, but it doesn't last for more than a few days, weeks, or months.

The key is to tap into PULL Motivation, which is where you feel literally PULLED toward your goal. It doesn't require discipline or willpower, as you WANT to do the things that are necessary to achieve your outcome. It's getting yourself from HAVING to do it, to WANTING to do it.

The thing is, there are certain things in our lives that we feel PULLED towards that we enjoy doing. For example, I love going to the gym and working out. It requires no discipline or willpower. In fact, it takes discipline or willpower for me to NOT go to the gym – I literally have such a hard time taking days off. This is an example of PULL motivation for me.

Part of the reason I feel pulled towards working out is because 1) It meets my needs, 2) My beliefs/values are aligned, and 3) I have a compelling vision and reasons why.

But, there's another thing that can pull us towards an outcome or goal. Tony Robbins shared a powerful process that we went through to create that pull motivation. We did it by feeling and experiencing the outcome or goal that we want to have as if we've already achieved it, and then had it TAKEN AWAY from us.

The strategy behind the exercise is that once we've EXPERIENCED SOMETHING and then have it taken away, we naturally feel pulled towards it again. For example, if you're used to having a cell phone, and then one day I say to you “No more cell phone, you have to go back to using pay phones”, because you're used to the experience of having a cell phone you will FIND A WAY to get back to it.

This process was phenomenal and by-far one of my favorites of Day 2.

There were so many other powerful lessons, experiences, and moments of Day 2 of Unleash The Power Within. It'd take forever to share all of them in-detail, but here is a few other brief concepts and lessons I want to mention:

Five To Thrive: The Core of Emotional Fitness

tony robbins unleash the power within reviewDuring Day 1 of Unleash The Power Within, I explained the Emotional Triad. Well, what determines whether or not you get into state are whether or not you have a Compelling Future (a reason to use your skills) and your Identity (we don't do what we can, we live what we believe we are).

I found this segment interesting, because there's been times in my life where I KNOW that I SHOULD get into state, but simply don't feel like it. And it all comes down to those two keys.

It's always important to have a vision or compelling future, something to look forward to. Without one, we just sit around. There is no drive without a compelling future. Your Identity is basically a sum of beliefs about WHO YOU ARE. It's how you define yourself. It's important to have empowering beliefs about yourself and about who you are, as that determines what you'll do consistently.

The strongest force in the human personality is the need to remain consistent with how we define ourselves.

The Power Of Team

anthony robbins unleash the power within reviewTony Robbins talked about how the secret to Wealth and Happiness is to become a team player.

In terms of having a “Team”, Tony Robbins explains how the key is to view every human being as part of your team or family. It doesn't matter if it's the man on the street, your waiter at a restaurant, or the person that is out to hurt you. In fact, Tony explains there are two key beliefs to have about people:

  • People do the best they can with the resources they have.
  • There are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states.
You want to always see the good in others, and understand that they're doing the best they can with the resources they have available. Also, whenever someone is angry or does something to hurt you, understand that it's because they are in an UNRESOURCEFUL STATE.
These are both powerful beliefs to have. Tony says that most people are unhappy and poor because their focus is on themselves. Power always moves to those who are truly committed to serving. The larger and more caring you have for your team, the more power you have. Your level of consciousness can be measured by how many people you care about.

All happiness comes from progress. Progress shows up in the form of growth and in a sense of contribution.

Who you spend time with is who you become. If you want to change your life, one of the first places to start is who you're surrounding yourself with, as they affect who you are more than anything.

If you want to grow and achieve what you want, make sure you're surrounding yourself with people playing life at a higher level. Find a team that will challenge you and force you to grow, not a team that is easy and comfortable. If it's easy and comfortable, you will not grow.

Before I wrap up, I want to list a few powerful quotes that I have listed in my journal:

  • Human beings will do more for others than they ever will themselves.
  • The larger and more care you have for your team, the more power you have.
  • Treat people well who treat you poorly. This makes you a leader, not a follow.
  • Connect with team humanity. Everyone is apart of your team.
  • When people come at you and are intense, it has nothing to do with you. they are hurting. Give them the gift of changing their state. Ask, “What is this person going through?”
  • You can have a meal, or you can create magic.
  • Life will pay whatever price you ask of it.

That pretty much wraps up Day 2 of Unleash The Power Within with Tony Robbins and Joseph McClendon III. What a powerful day! If you attended UPW before or have any questions, leave a comment below. I'd love to hear from you.


tony robbins oprahDay 3 of Unleash The Power Within is probably the most powerful of the 4-day total immersion event. It's called “Transformation Day” and Tony Robbins is back live, in-person, with the thousands of attendees ready to rock to the next level. If you want to know what I think about anything, make sure you read this Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review. Make sure you check out the lessons and videos from Day 1 of my Unleash The Power Within Review and Day 2 of my Unleash The Power Within Review before reading the rest of this.

In my Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review of day 3, I have more cool videos and lessons for you that I recorded. I literally have pages of notes that I'd like to share here, along with some powerful video footage of some the best moments. I hope you enjoy them!

==> Click here for discounted tickets to Unleash The Power Within <==

FULL DISCLOSURE: I was actually contacted by the Tony Robbins team to partner with them in their affiliate program, as well as to offer my subscribers a $20 off site-wide coupon.  So if you want to purchase any Tony Robbins programs or products, CLICK HERE and use the coupon code MASTERY on checkout to save $20.  Please note that I am now an “affiliate” for Tony Robbins and benefit financially if you decide to purchase through my link.

Day 3 of Unleash The Power Within Tony Robbins Review – Break Through To Your New Life

During the morning of day 3 of Unleash The Power Within, I recorded another quick video at my hotel in New Jersey before heading out to the seminar.

Watch this quick 1-minute video below:

(Click here to watch the video on YouTube)

The Wheel of Life

One of the first things Tony Robbins talked about, and which I would like to cover with the Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review, is what he calls “The Wheel Of Life”. This illustrates the different areas of life. He separates those areas into:

1. Physical Body
2. Emotions & Meaning
3. Relationships
4. Time
5. Work/Career/Mission
6. Finances
7. Celebrate & Contribute: Spiritual Sense

We did a fun exercise that I want to cover with the Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review. This helped us elevate where we're currently at in each area. We rated each area on a scale from 0-10, with 10 being where we really want to be. For some, physical body is at a high level, while other areas such as finances might be a lower area. Everyone is stronger in some areas than others, which is usually determined by the amount of focus you put into each area.

For example, if you're doing really well in your physical body, it's most likely because you're giving it focus. If you're doing really well in your finances, you're giving it focus. The areas you're not doing well in aren't getting much focus, hence why they're suffering. I found this an important part that I wanted to uncover with the Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review.

Where focus goes, energy flows.

 Tony talks about the importance of balance, and about how we constantly need to grow and improve each area of life. He calls this the “3 Pillars of Progress”.

The 3 Pillars of Progress

tony robbins unleash the power withinDuring day 1 of my Unleash The Power Within Review, I mentioned how Tony Robbins talks about how progress is what makes us happy. If you're making progress, you feel alive. When you're not making progress, you feel dead inside. This is an important part of the Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review.

Tony says if you're making progress in an area of your life (or want to make progress), there are 3 keys to it.

1. Get Laser-Focused, Make It Clear And Compelling

The first step is to clarify the results you desire in your life. What is your definition of an extraordinary life? What do you need to take your life to the next level? Without a clear and compelling vision for what you want today, you won't be able to find the target of lasting happiness, let alone hit it. If you have the courage to face the truth of where you are, you will discover the path to where you want to be.

For each area of your Wheel of Life, you need to know what you want and why you want it. This goes back to the Ultimate Success Formula as mentioned in day 2 of my Unleash The Power Within Review.

2. Get The Best Tools/Map/Strategy/Coaching For Results

The second key that I wanted to cover with the Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review is one that I use constantly.

Once you've defined your target, you need an effective and efficient game plan to hit it. In order to close the “gap” between where you are and where you want to be, you need a proven map, an effective mentor, and training to drive you to take action.

To find an effective strategy or map, the best way to do it is to find a mentor or coach. Find someone that has the results that you want. For example, if you want an incredible body, find someone that has that and learn their strategy and method. If you follow their strategy, you can get the same results as them. The same goes for finances, relationships, or virtually any other area of your life.

Do NOT try to re-invent the wheel. There's so many times in my life that I resisted finding a coach or mentor, and it's what was limiting me and holding me back. The truth is, if you think “I can do it on my own”, then the reality is you would have done it by now, right?

For me personally, this has been my secret to fast-tracking my success in different areas of my life. Over the years, I've had many different life coaches, such as Jairek Robbins. I've had diet/nutrition coaches, such as Dr. Joe Klemczewski, personal trainers, dating/relationship coaches, business coaches, etc… Whatever area of life I want to be successful at, I find mentors/coaches. This process was verified through this workshop and I wanted to highlight it as a part of the Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review.

Not only that, but I use seminars, online programs, audio/video programs, and books to find the right strategies and roadmap. For example, attending Unleash The Power Within with Tony Robbins or the Millionaire Mind Intensive with T. Harv Eker.

3. Get Into Action! Unlock And Unleash Alignment And Integration

However, sometimes the tools are not enough: you need to unlock what's blocking you and unleash your power. Why is it that sometimes we know what to do, we have great motives for change, and yet we fail to follow through? What's missing is a practical understanding of human psychology: why we do what we do and how to change it. By understanding your personal blueprint, how you create meaning and emotion and what causes you to think, feel, and behave the way you do, you can not only gain the answers to these questions, but learn how to create lasting change and fulfillment.

Some of the inner conflicts we have that are blocking us are things like, “I want to be a millionaire, yet I want to sleep til noon.” Or it may be “I want to have washboard abs, but never want to exercise.”  None of those things work, thus are holding you back from taking massive action.

Once you align with the right beliefs and mindset, taking action becomes easy.

Peak State Of Absolute Certainty

Throughout the entire event that I wanted to highlight with the Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review is that we're constantly conditioning our emotional state. One of my favourite parts of day 3 was Tony Robbins getting us into a peak state of absolute certainty. It's when you're in that peak state of certainty, nothing can stop you. All the fear and limitations disappear. And if you get yourself in a state of certainty, you can get yourself to do ANYTHING, as demonstrated on day 1 with the fire walk experience.

Think about your goal or desire in this state – absolute certainty, where you will either find the way, or make the way. 

How many things in life looked totally impossible in the moment? But if your brain is obsessed to make it happen, and you have total certainty and creativity, ANYTHING you want to make happen can happen… even the stuff that seems impossible. Do you want it bad enough? Will you do whatever it takes?

You have to be ready when the opportunity is there. You have to be ready to create the opportunity, to make the opportunity.

How did we get into that peak state of certainty? I explain the Emotional Triad during my day 1 Unleash The Power Within Review.

One thing that Tony Robbins mentions and that I want to cover with the Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review is that certainty, just like any other emotional state, is a strategy. We did an exercise at the event where we paired up with a partner, got into a peak state of certainty, and they told us what we did with our bodies to get into that state. For example, in total certainty, your shoulders are back, your chest is up, you're breathing fully, moving a certain way, speak a certain way, have more punctuated gestures, take up more space, etc… If you execute the strategy for certainty, you can feel it any time that you want.

Another one of my favourite exercises was when in this state of certainty, we walked around the room and looked into peoples eyes with this absolute certainty. It felt so powerful to do that.

The key thing that I took from this day was that I need to CONDITION this state of certainty on a daily basis. The more I condition it, the more natural it will be. I can literally live in this state daily if I condition it enough.

How do you condition certainty?  There's a few ways…

1. Incantations

This is basically saying out loud with emotional intensity your new empowering beliefs. For example, you could say out loud again and again, “I am totally confident! I am unstoppable!” This has to be a daily ritual.

Conditioning is the way I get myself to follow through.

Whether you follow through consistently or not is dependant on the state you've conditioned yourself to be in.

2. Engage Physiology

You need to engage your physiology into the peak state of certainty daily. This means putting on music, making your move, saying YES out loud, walking a certain way, moving a certain way, breathing a certain way, etc… The more you do this, the more automatic it becomes.

3. Control Focus

Another way is to use my focus to get myself into a state of certainty daily. I could remember and visualize times in my life when I was totally certain and confident. Or I could ask questions, such as “What would I focus on to feel totally certain?” or “How can I feel totally certain and confident right now?”

The important thing is that it must be done DAILY, just like as if you'd work out your muscles at the gym. You have to push yourself when it's uncomfortable and when you don't want to do it – that's where all the growth and progress comes from. A part of the Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review I want to convey is that you have to practice to become who you are meant to be. This exercise highlights that.

The Secret to Success and Happiness

tony robbins unleash the power within reviewIf you want to know the secret to success and happiness, then this is it. Tony Robbins summed up the secret into three words:

Raise your standards.

That's it. Sound pretty simple, right?  It is.

Tony describes that there are four primary standards that people live at. The first, is the standard  of POOR. If you do a poor job at something, what kind of rewards do you get? Usually you get NOTHING. No rewards.

The next level is the standard of GOOD. If you do a good job at something, most people think they get good rewards, right? NOPE. If you do a good job, you get POOR rewards. When people say, “I'm a really good man, why did my wife leave me?” or “I'm a really good parent, why are my kids on drugs?” or “I'm a really good employee, why did I get fired?”  The problem is because you were GOOD.  Good is not good enough, unfortunately, especially in today's day and age.

Next is the standard of EXCELLENT, which is what most achievers like you and I play at, right? This is people that are committed to learning, growing, doing an excellent job, working hard, disciplined, etc… Here's the thing: if you do an excellent job at something, while you'd also think you get excellent rewards…. NOPE again, you only get good rewards. This pisses off people like you and I, because we put in a ton of work and effort into something and hate getting only good rewards. 

Most people that the level of excellent is all that they have, that there is nothing more to give. No way. There is always another level that you can tap into, and that standard is called OUTSTANDING. This is where you STAND OUT from everyone else. It's tapping into a different side of yourself where you give it every ounce of who you are and leave it all on the table. This is the level that olympic gold medalists play at, it's the difference between the person that wins the Gold Medal and the person that comes in 4th place. I believe that this is the most important message to apply as a part of the Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review.

What kind of rewards does the outstanding person get? They get ALL THE REWARDS. They get all the respect, the admiration, the prizes, the success, etc… The person that wins gold gets it all, whereas the person that is the 4th fastest in the world gets NOTHING – only the experience of being at the olympics.

We need to constantly make sure we're raising our standards, in all areas of our lives. This is what allows us to grow and make continual progress, which equals lasting happiness and fulfillment. It's important to get around others that have higher standards than you do. Make sure you continue to reflect on this as a part of my Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review.

The Dickens Process: How To Change Your Limiting Beliefs

The Dickens Process is something that Tony Robbins developed to change any of your limiting beliefs that are stopping you. This is by far the MOST POWERFUL process of Unleash The Power Within Tony Robbins review. It's the most life-changing experience I've ever been through in my entire life, which keeps me going back to UPW again and again.  The Dickens Process is why it's called “Transformation Day”.

1. Identify The Limiting Belief Or Pattern

We first had to identify the three limiting beliefs that are currently stopping you in your life. For example, limiting beliefs like:

“I'm too young.”
“I'm too old.”
“I'm not good enough.”
“I don't have the time.”
“I don't have the education.”
“I don't have the money.”
“People are XYZ…”
“I am XYZ…”
 “Life is CYZ…”

An important thing to understand is that our BELIEFS are what control and determine every decision and behaviour we make in our lives. The fact that you're reading this blog right now is based on your beliefs. What you decided to wear right now is based on your beliefs. And every other decision you're ever going to make.

The problem is, most of our beliefs we didn't consciously choose – we had certain experiences that made us interpret things a different way and develop a belief, or we adopted beliefs from our peers growing up. Everyone has limiting beliefs that are holding them back in their lives, and the Dickens Process is designed to help anyone change those beliefs.

2. Get Leverage On Yourself

Once you've identified your limiting beliefs, you need to ask yourself, What negative consequences have you already experienced as a result of these beliefs?”

The ONLY way to make a change in your life is to get LEVERAGE on yourself. To change a limiting belief, you must associate massive, immediate, unbearable levels of pain to those limiting beliefs. You must literally stack the pain so intensely that to not change isn't an option. During the Dickens Process, Tony Robbins stacked the consequences of having these limiting beliefs for 5, 10, 20 years down the road… and made us look at how these limiting beliefs are affecting every other area of our lives. Very powerful stuff.

3. Create New Empowering Belief Or Alternative

Once we had linked pain to the limiting belief, the next step was to create an empowering alternative. This is simply done by looking at the antithesis, or the opposite of the limiting belief.  What would you need to believe instead?  What is the truth that will set you free? Reflect on this as a part of my Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review.

If your old limiting belief was “I'm too young”, then your new empowering belief would be “Youth is passion and energy!”.  Or if your old limiting belief was “I don't have the money”, the new empowering belief would be “I make the money for whatever I'm committed to!”

The key is to pick a new story or alternative that is EMPOWERING moving forward.

Once you've got your new empowering belief, there's a process that we did which helps us interrupt the old limiting belief or pattern, and then condition the new empowering belief or alternative. This process, as I said, is one of the most life-changing things I've ever experienced.

We wrapped up the Dickens Process by doing a chant called Now I Am The Voice”.

Now I am the Voice.
I will lead, not follow.
I will believe, not doubt.
I will create, not destroy.
I am a Force for Good.
I am a Leader.
Defy the odds!
Set a new standard!
Step Up!

 3 Steps To Mastery

tony robbins upw masteryWe wrapped up day 3 of Unleash The Power Within by talking about the 3 Steps to Mastery, which is largely based upon the book Mastery by George Leonard.

The path to mastering anything, whether it's your job, your relationship, your family, or your finances, comes from using three tools. Following these three simple steps will help you to create phenomenal results in any area of your life.

1. Model someone who's already achieved what you want.

As mentioned earlier, the fastest way to master anything is to find a role model, mentor or coach that you can model after. You need to find the best, someone that already has the results you want. This is how you compress decades into days. I continue to mention this as a part of the Unleash the Power Within Tony Robbins review because of its ability to lead you to success.

2. Total Immersion.

If you want to learn a language like Spanish, which would help you learn faster? By either taking a class once a week, or spending a week in Spain? Of course, spending a week in Spain, because you're IMMERSED in the culture. This is why seminars and events ar so powerful, because when you immerse yourself at an event such as Unleash The Power Within, you are out of your environment and re-wiring all your beliefs and conditioning in a matter of days.

3. Spaced Repetition

Once you've used total immersion, the next piece to make it lasting is through spaced repetition. For example, Unleash The Power Within or any seminar is a perfect example of this. You're modelling someone for 4-days who is the best, such as Tony Robbins, and you're totally immersed. After the Unleash The Power Within or any other event, you need to make sure that you have a coach or attend a class or something on a regular basis to keep reinforcing and conditioning the materials. This is what will help you master it.

This almost sums up this Unleash The Power Within Tony Robbins Review. As you can imagine, there was so much more going on at the event that it'd be impossible to put into words. I just have a final two Tony Robbins videos to share with you before wrapping it up.

I hope you enjoyed this detailed review.  As you can tell, I put a lot into it. It has been fun for me so far as it's an opportunity for me to reinforce the material and internalize it at a deeper level. The best way to learn something is to teach it, right?

There is still ONE MORE day of UPW remaining. That's Day 4, one of the most important days, where Joseph McClendon III is back to the stage to teach us the Power of Pure Energy.


tony robbins energy

Day 4 of Unleash The Power Within with Tony Robbins was all about health and energy.  This Unleash the Power Within review covers the most important topics of the day.

The entire day was focused on The 12 Master Principles Of A Vital Life: The Power of Pure Energy.  In this Unleash The Power Within Review, I'm going to share what those 12 principles are and how they can make a significant impact on your life.

If you haven't read or seen the videos yet of the previous days of Unleash The Power Within, check them out below:

Day 1 of Unleash The Power Within Review – Turn Fear Into Power
Day 2 of Unleash The Power Within Review – Turn Dreams Into Reality
Day 3 of Unleash The Power Within Review – Break Through To Your New Life

==> Click here for discounted tickets to Unleash The Power Within <==

FULL DISCLOSURE: I was actually contacted by the Tony Robbins team to partner with them in their affiliate program, as well as to offer my subscribers a $20 off site-wide coupon.  So if you want to purchase any Tony Robbins programs or products, CLICK HERE and use the coupon code MASTERY on checkout to save $20.  Please note that I am now an “affiliate” for Tony Robbins and benefit financially if you decide to purchase through my link.

Day 4 of Unleash The Power Within Review – The Power Of Pure Energy

joseph mcclendon energyThe most important factor in creating an extraordinary quality of life is energy. Your health is the most important factor, yet in a time of constant demands, we often neglect what we know is most important. In order to take your life to the next level, it's crucial to make a commitment to living a more energized and healthy life. This was an important takeaway from the last day of my Unleash the Power Within review.

In the United States alone, two-thirds of the population are overweight, 25 million people suffer from diabetes, and half of the population are on some type of prescription drug for health problems. The solution to these challenges aren't “quick fixes”, but rather adopting a new philosophy towards health and nurturing your body on a consistent basis.

One of the things that I found interesting that Tony Robbins mentioned during the event and that I remember as a part of the Unleash the Power Within review is that the #1 thing that stops people in their lives is fear, and the #2 thing is LACK OF ENERGY. Think about it… without energy, you aren't going to be taking any action or applying anything you learn.

Energy is not only the basis of existence, it is the fuel that makes everything in our lives real and possible.

During Day 4 that I covered in the Unleash the Power Within review, it was mainly Joseph McClendon III teaching the day, along with Tony Robbins via video.

The Philosophy Of Health

First, let's ask the all-important question:  What is Health?

Well, according to the World Health Organization, they define it as:

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, or social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

As a part of the Unleash The Power Within review, Tony Robbins defines optimal health in one word:  ENERGY.

That leads to the next question: Where does Energy come from?

The answer is our cells.

Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells – they are the living organisms to human life. There are three things cells need to not only survive, but thrive:

1. Oxygen

Oxygen is the source of all energy in the body. This energy drives the metabolic processes in the body, such as assimilation (absorption), elimination of wastes, respiration, circulation, and digestion.

2. Water

Water is the most abundant substance in the body. Water is used for the breakdown of substances, as a medium for chemical reactions, and for the diffusion and osmosis of substances.

3. The ability to eliminate its own waste.


During the event that I'm covering with the Unleash the Power Within review, there's a lot of research provided based on Dr. Otto Warburg about cell respiration, along with Dr. Harry Goldblatt on how lack of oxygen destroys cells, and Dr. Alexis Carrel on the teachings of how cells can live forever. These are all studies based on Nobel Prize Winners and have all the credentials.
Now, the primary medium that delivers oxygen and nutrients to the body is the blood. The blood is the river of life – it transports oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues and eliminates waste.

The body's primary medium for eliminating waste, which all cells need to be able to do, is the lymph system. The lymph system works closely with the circulatory system as it cleans and returns tissue fluid to the blood and destroys toxins that enter the body. Your body has 3 times more lymph than blood.

Both the blood and lymph system are two vital systems of the body.

The True Source Of Disease

What causes our bodies to become ill is the accumulation of toxins in your bloodstream. While our bodies are designed to eliminate toxins, when we accumulate more than what the body is able to eliminate, we become sick or develop a disease. In fact, the disease or illness you have is your body's attempt to cure itself. Disease is the cure.

There are four ways our bodies eliminate toxins:

1. Skin

2. Lungs/Respiratory Tract

3. Bowels

4. Urinary Tract

And there are three causes for these toxins to build up in the bloodstream:

1. Taking in more than you can eliminate.

2. Biochemical Additives and/or waste and animal products (any substance your body can't use)

3. Any overly acidic diet.

Think about it… what are all of the symptoms of disease or being sick?

  • tony robbins unleash the power within healthJoint pain
  • Low energy
  • Cough
  • Vomit
  • Kidney/urinary problems
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Skin eruptions
  • Gas
  • Rash
  • Cramps
  • Constipation
  • etc…

This is your body's RESPONSE TO POISONS!

These symptoms are your body's attempt to get rid of the poison you put into your body. If you notice yourself experiencing any symptoms like these mentioned, it's because you POISONED your bloodstream and your body is attempting to get rid of the toxins and waste.  It's your body's attempt to cure itself.

This is important to understand, and I'm not going to go through all the specifics and research provided at Unleash The Power Within review, but if you use your common sense, you'll know this is accurate.

Let's get right to the meat of the 12 Master Principles of Vital Life: The 8 Gifts & The 4 Poisons.

The 12 Steps Of Pure Energy

The 12 steps include the 8 Gifts you want to give yourself, along with the 4 Poisons you want to dramatically reduce or eliminate your intake of for optimal health and vitality.

Gift 1: The Power of Vital Breathing & Lymphasizing

As mentioned earlier, oxygen is the source of all energy in the body and is what our cells require. We can go weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes with oxygen. Optimal oxygenation of your cells through proper nutrition, fluid intake, exercise, and stress management is absolutely necessary for optimal health.

Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health. If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly. There is no single more powerful – or more simple – daily practice to further your health and well being than breathwork. ~ Andrew Weil, M.D.

lymphasizing breathingMost people are shallow breathers. When you get stressed or experience certain emotional states, your breathing patterns change. People can even have a heart attack from shallow breathing.  A panic attack or anxiety is caused by shallow breathing as well.

Not only that, but the lungs and lymphatic system is one of our body's vehicles for eliminating waste. The interesting thing is, where the blood has a pump (called the heart), the lymphatic system does not.  The only way our lymphatic system is stimulated is through deep diaphragmatic breathing.

That's why it's important to have a breathing ritual that you do everyday to stimulate your lymph system, or use something like a rebounder (mini-trampoline) that I use in my morning ritual.  The key is to breathe deep from your diaphragm.  One simple exercise you can do is to inhale at the count of 4, hold the breath for the count of 16, and exhale at the count of 8.  Use the ratio of 1:4:2, and do this several times per day to cleanse the body of lymph.

Gift 2: The Power of Living Waters & Live Foods

Water is the largest component of the body. Our brains are 76% water, our lungs are 90% water, and blood plasma is 98% water. Important processes like digestion, circulation, and excretion cannot occur without water. Water carries nutrients to all vital body substances, plays a crucial role in maintaining body temperature, and helps building material for growth and repair of the body.

Tony Robbins talks about a man named Dr. Batmanghelidj who wrote the book Your Body's Many Cries For Water, and how he was able to treat his patients in a prison in Iran with nothing but water. Check out the video below of Tony Robbins and Sage Robbins talking about the importance of water for having more energy and optimal health.

If you are thirsty or your mouth is dry, then you are REALLY dehydrated and want to be drinking water immediately. A severely dehydrated body also produces orange or dark color urine. You always want colorless urine.

How much water do you need to drink?

Everyday you want to drink at least half or your body weight in ounces. So if you're 200 pounds, you should be drinking 100 ounces of water a day. Ideally, you should never go more than 15 or 20 minutes without sipping water. In fact, part of my morning ritual is that I immediately drink a lot of water first thing in the morning, as that is when your body is most dehydrated.

One thing I learned that is interesting, is if you are hungry or starving, the first thing you should do is drink water and focus on breathing. In many cases, your body is starving water and oxygen.  If you do this, the hunger will often subside.

Another important aspect of this principle is to be consuming FOODS that have water in them, such as live vegetables, fruits, and sprouts. At least 70% of your diet should consistent of water-rich foods, which allows your body to cleanse itself. The average American diet consists of about 15% water-rich foods, which is suicide. Failing to consume 70% water-rich foods means that you are clogging your body, not cleansing it.

Gift 3: The Power of Essential Oils

Having Essential Fatty Acids in our diets is crucial to our overall health, as every cell in your body requires them to function, particularly your brain, which is made up of 60% fat. Most people think of fat as bad and try to avoid it at all costs, but the truth is there a certain fats that are good for you and that you want to consume on a daily basis.

These goods fats consist of the essential fatty acids: Omega 3 and Omega 6. Your body must consume these fats to survive, as without them, the lipid membrane around your cells starts to break down.

Essential Fatty Acids are necessary for vital functions of the cells, tissues, and organs. They help increase oxidation and metabolic rate. Energy levels rise with higher stamina and decreased recovery time. They're beneficial for skin, digestion, the cardiovascular system, elevate your mood, stabilizes your heartbeat, and there's many more benefits!

My favourite source of essential oils, and one of the best on the markets, is Udo's Choice Oil Blend. Udo's Oil contains oils from fresh, certified organic flax, sesame, and sunflower seeds, as well as oils from wheat germ, rice germ, and oat germ. It has the ideal balance of Omega 3's and Omega 6's.

The suggested amount is to take 1 tablespoon per 50 pounds of body weight each day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds you should take 3 tablespoons per day.

Gift 4: The Power of Alkalinity: Go Green!

There is a delicate balance of acid and alkaline that our blood must maintain that has a vital importance to maintaining your health. Balanced body chemistry and maintaining a proper ratio between acid and alkaline foods is imperative. In fact, too much acidity in your body's tissues is the cause of many types of health changes ranging from lethargy and fatigue, to obesity, and ultimately to much bigger health challenges and disease.

Just like how our body must maintain a certain body temperature, our blood must maintain a certain pH level. The scale of measuring pH (Potential of Hydrogen) is measured on a scale from 0 to 14, with 0 being totally acidic and 14 being very alkaline. Neutral is 7. While different body tissues must maintain a different level of pH, our blood must maintain a pH of 7.365.  Any slight variance from that and we will die, which is why our body will do anything to maintain that balance. It will even leech minerals from our bones and connective tissues in order to stabilize that pH and neutralize acids.

ph scale alkaline acidThis is why it's imperative to be consuming foods that alkalize your body, such as live green foods. At least 70% of our diet should be alkaline foods, including the water that we're drinking. One little tip you can do to alkalize your water is to add lemon to it.  Click here for a list of alkaline forming foods that I found on the internet.

Also, I recommend the book The pH Miracle by Dr. Robert Young which is what most of this work is based on.

Gift 5: The Power of Aerobic Energy

Most people believe that being “fit” means that you are healthy, and that is definitely not true. There are many people that are very fit and have a great physique, but are extremely unhealthy.  I found this an intriguing part of the seminar and wanted to cover the concept in the Unleash the Power Within review. What's the difference between fitness and health?

Fitness is the physical ability to perform athletic activity. 

Health is the state in which all the systems of the body – nervous, muscular, skeletal, circulatory, digestive, lymphatic, hormonal, etc – are all working optimally.

The goal is to become healthy, not just fit.  And I'm definitely guilty of putting fitness above health, as I'm competing in a fitness competition and working out as intensely as I do isn't very healthy. But it's important to make sure you put health a priority and do certain things to balance the body.

Research has shown that if you exercise consistently over a 12-month period, you will form this positive addiction for a lifetime.

The term “aerobic” means “with oxygen” and refers to the level of exercise you want to sustain over a period of time. By exercising in an aerobic fashion you are providing your body with more oxygen, which also benefits your heart, lungs, blood vessels, endurance, and aerobic muscles. You're also stimulating your metabolism to burn fat as your primary fuel, which is what everyone wants.

A fantastic book more about this is called Slow Burn by Stu Mittleman, which I read years ago and is based on a man who ran 1000 miles in 11 days. Tony Robbins studied Stu Mittleman to find out how he was able to do it and have so much energy. I highly recommend that book!

The term “anaerobic” means “without oxygen” and refers to exercises that produce short bursts of power, such as sprinting or lifting weights. Anaerobic exercise burns glycogen and carbohydates as its primary fuel, while causing the body to store fat.

This is often why sprinting or lifting weights causes you to feel TIRED afterwards and throughout the day, as it builds up acid in your body and your body has to work hard to neutralize that acid. Whereas if you jog or walk in an aerobic pace, you are consuming more oxygen and it gives you MORE ENERGY throughout the day.

I personally do both – I workout right now mainly in an anaerobic way, which helps me sculpt my body the way I want and I enjoy it – but also doing aerobic exercise is crucial for energy and the health purposes it provides.  I believe you need a balance, and that if you're going to be exercising in an anaerobic way than you need to make sure you're neutralizing the acids you're creating in your body.

The level of intensity – one's heart rate – to determine which level of activity is aerobic or anaerobic.  A general guideline is that if if you're exercising and still able to maintain a conversation, then that is aerobic.  But if you are unable to have a conversation and are out of breath, that is anaerobic exercise.  I personally use a heart rate monitor when I go for jogs to track my heart rate to make sure I'm exercising in the optimal heart rate zone.

Gift 6: The Power of Maximum Nourishment

It's important to ensure that you're consuming foods for the right reason. This was stressed throughout the day and I wanted to include it as as part of the Unleash the Power Within review.

While most people enjoy foods for the social nature or to “feel good”, this isn't the purpose of food and can often damage our body's if you follow under that philosophy.  The primary purpose for food is to energize our body's, grow and develop, purify and cleanse, prevent and fight disease, to nurture our outer beauty, and THEN to socialize and enjoy.  Unfortunately, most people have it backwards.

There are 7 components of food:

1. Carbohydrates

2. Proteins

3. Fats

4. Vitamins

5. Minerals

6. Water

7. Fiber

I'm not going to go into all the functions of these components, but it's important to be nourishing and empowering your body with the right foods for an optimal level of well-being.

Covered as a part of the Unleash The Power Within review, was information from Joseph McClendon III, who teaches us the 7 Rules For Healthy Eating.  They are:

1. Drink water before and after your meals, not during.  Have water 30 minutes before and ideally 30 minutes after.  Drinking water or fluids during meals will dilute your digestive juices and stunts digestion.

2. Properly combine your foods. Improper food combining taxes our body's ability to properly digest foods and can prevent foods from being converted into nutrients properly.

3. Eat in a relaxed state. Make sure you're chewing food slowly and aren't being distracted.

4. Eat comfortable amounts of foods.

5. Eat organic foods. 

6. Eat small amounts every 3 hours. Aim for 5-6 meals per day.

7. Add supplements to your diet as needed.

There are certain supplements that can be important to add to your diet, such as greens, digestive enzymes, probiotics, oils, acidophilus, anti-oxidants, multi-vitamins, and minerals.

Gift 7: The Power of Structural Alignment & Maximum Strength

structural alignmentThe human body was designed for motion, yet few of us actually use the full range of motion that the human body was designed for. Structural alignment and maximum strength is designed to take charge of the motion-powered musculoskeletal system, which affects our balance, metabolism, visual acuity, fertility, and many other fundamental biological processes.

It's crucial to make sure that your body is aligned properly through stretching, yoga practices, chiropractic work, and even through exercise programs.

Tony Robbins follows Pete Egoscue's method for structural alignment, which is worth checking out, especially if you have back pain. I recommend Pete Egoscue's book Pain Free.

Gift 8: The Power of a Directed Mind & Heart

Your emotional state and emotional well-being also plays a huge role in your physical health and energy. Negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs create acid in the body and can cause disease or illness.  Whereas, positive emotions, thoughts, and beliefs have the ability to heal us and provide us with more energy.

There's been a lot of studies and research that demonstrates how stress affects the body in a negative way, whereas laughter has the ability to heal.  Stress is the silent killer.  And laughter is the best medicine.  In fact, a man named Dr. Norman Cousins cured himself from cancer through laughter therapy.

A part of the Unleash the Power Within review was when Tony Robbins covered certain exercises, such as an Emotional Flood, which is designed to have us experience gratitude, joy, love, passion, pride, achievement, confidence, and all of the most powerful emotions, as a healing affect on our bodies.

For example, asking questions like:

What am I happy about in my life?

What am I grateful for?  Why am I blessed?

Who do I love?  Who loves me?

What are some funny times in my life that made me laugh out loud?

When have I been proud of myself? What are some of my most proud moments?

What are some fun times and experiences I've had?

These questions will change your focus and allow you to change your emotional state, which affects your biochemistry, which is why I'm covering the topic in my Unleash the Power Within review.

Having a morning ritual where you allow yourself to experience these emotions fully can do wonders for your life. In Day 1 of Unleash The Power Within, Tony Robbins talks a lot about your emotional state and how to control it.

I also recently created a blog post on The 10 Day Mental Diet Challenge which can do wonders for putting this into practice.

Now that we've discussed the 8 Gifts To Give Yourself For Health And Energy, let's get into the 4 Poisons To Eliminate Or Dramatically Reduce.

Poison 1: The Poison of Processed Fats

You want to avoid and stay away from processed and trans fatty acids. Saturated fats, trans fats and dietary cholesterol raise blood cholesterol, which is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, which leads to heart attack, and also increases the risk of stroke.  Additional dangers of processed fats (man-made fats) include poor circulation, poor elimination, excess congestion, and toxicity in the body.

Not all fats are bad.  You want to be consuming “good” unsaturated fats, which include essential Omega 3 fatty acids that help lower risk of heart disease and cancers. Make sure to check out the Gift of Essential Oils as explained above.

Poison 2: The Poison of Animal Flesh

Studies show that vegetarians are significantly healthier than meat-eaters. The risk of death from heart disease for vegetarians compared to non-vegetarians is half. Blood cholesterol levels of vegeterians are 14% lower that meat-eaters. There's a drop in heart disease risk, and meat eaters blood pressure is 13 times higher than vegetarians.

WHen it comes to cancer, risk of lung cancer is reduced by 20-60% for vegetarians. Prostate cancer is reduced by 41% of men for vegetarians compared to meat-eaters. And risk of colon cancer for women meat-eaters is 250% greater than vegetarians.

There's a book called The China Study that has a lot more research on the affects of animal flesh on the body.  But not only that, but our body's can't efficiently digest animal flesh, and animal flesh is very acidic as well.  The Chicken and Beef that we consume is pumped with hormones and other chemicals, which also affects our health in a major way.

If you are going to eat animal flesh, you want to make sure you're alkalizing by following the 70/30 rule.  Meaning, 70% of your meal should be vegetables, while only 30% is the animal flesh.  You also want to choose free-range, kosher, antibiotic-free, and organic. I've found this to be an important part of my diet and was reflecting on it as a part of the Unleash the Power Within review.

Poison 3: The Poison of Dairy Products

avoid dairyMilk does not do the body good.  In fact, there's been many studies, specifically by Dr. Colin Campbell, that casein (makes up 87% of cow's milk) promotes cancer. Dairy products are also very acidic on the body, and also create mucous in the intestines that hardens to our intestinal walls.

People commonly believe that milk provides calcium, when in fact it does the opposite.  Because Dairy is so acidic for the body, it leeches calcium from our bones and connective tissues in order to neutralize the acid that Dairy products create in our body.

You want to choose other alternatives to Dairy Milk, such as Almond Milk or Rice Milk.  Instead of cheese, choose soy cheese.

Poison 4: The Poison of Acid Addictions

Any of the acid addictions below are creating damage to your body, and you want to reduce or completely eliminate the following:

  • Caffeine
  • Sugar
  • Nicotine
  • Alcohol
  • Whites
  • Vinegar
  • Drugs

A big one for me to eliminate was Caffeine, as I used to depend on it as a pre-workout supplement.  But it was causing me to crash afterwards, and eventually I became tolerant to it and would be required to increase my intake.  Not only that, but it was destroying my adrenal glands and I wouldn't be able to function properly without it. I was able to reflect on this, specifically because of the insights that I am sharing with you from the Unleash the Power Within review.

For sugar, there's a fantastic book called Sugar Blues that I recommend that explains what sugar does in the body, and how it leads to diabetes and other serious health problems.

Alcohol and vinegar have the same affect in the body.  They instantly kill brain cells and are also depress our immune systems.

You can have everything in moderation, but you want to make sure that 90% of the decisions you make to put into your body are intelligent choices.

Even choosing natural cleaning products, soaps, shampoo's and cosmetics are important for our health and well-being.  Using a shower filter to get rid of the chlorine that absorbs into our body's as we shower is a great tip as well.  There are so many things we need to do in today's world to make sure that we're nurturing our body's and not putting in more toxicity than we're able to eliminate.

The 10 Day Challenge

tony robbins unleash the power within reviewAt the end of my analysis for Unleash The Power Within review, Tony Robbins and Joseph McClendon III propose the 10 Day Challenge.  The goal is to put into practice for 10 days the 12 Steps of Pure Energy.  That means giving yourself those 8 gifts listed above, and reducing or eliminate your intake of the 4 poisons.

I have done this before and used to be a strict vegetarian, raw foodist and it made a huge difference to my life.  I had an abundance of energy and was so much more productive overall.  Today, I would say I am more balanced with fitness and health, as I'm currently training for a fitness competition.  But, I still practice a lot of these principles to this day and they continue to help me be able to live a healthy and energetic lifestyle. This was an important part that I wanted to cover with the Unleash the Power Within review.

I recommend that you do your research on the following principles and begin incorporating them immediately.

If you want to take up the 10 Day Challenge, go for it – it will make a huge difference in your life.  I also would suggest the 10 Day Mental Diet Challenge that I posted about as well, which will help you cleanse your mind as well as your body and create even more energy.


Unleash The Power Within has been one of the most powerful experiences of my life.  I've attended it 4 times now and would go back for the 5th without a doubt.  Not only that, but I've sent so many friends there, because it's made such a significant difference.  If you have the opportunity to attend, I would recommend that you do in a heartbeat.  Hopefully this Unleash The Power Within Review provided you some detailed insights of what to expect from the event.  These reviews are merely just little tidbits of what I learned, but trust me, there is so much more.

The next step for me is to attend Date With Destiny, which is something I've committed to attending later this year in Palm Springs in December. I will follow the same formula as my Unleash the Power Within review. That's the 7-day event with Tony Robbins that goes into the more advanced, higher level stuff.  You can be assured that when I do attend that event, I will write another fun review of it, with more videos.

I had so much fun creating this review, as it allowed me to reinforce and reflect on many of my experiences and lessons that I had learned.  I hope you enjoyed reading it and watching the videos!


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